While we try to maintain the integrity and security of the WEBSITE and the servers from which the WEBSITE is operated, the WEBSITE may include inaccuracies, errors and materials that violate or conflict with this Agreement. Additionally, third parties may make unauthorized alterations to the WEBSITE. If you become aware of any unauthorized third party alteration to the WEBSITE, contact us at support@newlifebharat.com with a description of the material(s) at issue and the URL or location on the where such material(s) appear.
NEW LIFE MULTIPURPOSE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY LTD. (https://newlifebharat.com) shall endeavour to put up only such information on the site, as it has verified business certificate, or otherwise as being true to the best of their knowledge and belief. However, NEW LIFE MULTIPURPOSE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY LTD. (https://newlifebharat.com) does not accept any liability due to inaccuracy of information or data provided on this site. Any liabilities arising out of any act or omission by a visitor to this site, by relying on or using the information provided on this site, shall be solely to the account of such visitor.
NEW LIFE MULTIPURPOSE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY LTD. (https://newlifebharat.com) disclaims any liability, legal or otherwise, that may arise due to the act, omission or otherwise of any visitor to this site, or caused by the same. Visitors to the site acknowledge that echinio.com is purely a "facilitator" for transactions between the business and visitors, and as such, stands indemnified from any liabilities that may arise due to the same.
Email: support@newlifebharat.com